Saturday, February 23, 2008

It's like a picture of Big Foot.....

Sometimes you have to keep the camera handy, because you never know what surprises you might find in your own house. Ashley's parents spent the night on their way to Chicago last night. Usually, Alison sticks like glue to us (especially Ashley) when other people are around, but by this morning she was starting to warm to having her grandparents here. Here a couple of photos....

Reading Good Night Moon......a classic....
Pointing at the pictures together.....
Alison's "New Trick of the Month" - She learned to slide down the stairs on her stomach....she's free to roam from floor to floor now; yikes!
And here's a video clip of it....

1 comment:

Aunt Vicki said...

Ali looks just like her Grammy!

Good video... that little squirt...