Saturday, February 16, 2008

Alison's turn

Here's a few pictures from a bright and sunny Saturday.....

It was time for a mid-morning snack of cheerios and milk.....
....but Alison couldn't keep her eyes open....she's not blinking, she's falling asleep!
She woke up from her nap with a leaky outfit, and mom wasn't guess who got to pick this outfit???
Alison with a big ol' smile.....
She likes to stick that tongue out when she's down in her 4-point stance....she's ready to sack the QB....Powder Puff!
A close up smile.......(if you look to the right (your right) of Alison's bottom teeth, you can see tooth number 5....#6 is to the left of the bottom teeth but I don't think you can see it)

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