Sunday, March 30, 2008

Easter Sunday - Redux

They read in the readings this morning that (Doubting) Thomas had to wait a week to see Jesus after Easter morning.......well, the world had to wait a week to see Alison in her Easter dress thanks to the case of Puffy Eye she had last Sunday.....Here's a few pictures.......

The Princess is ready to go.....
Digging through the crayon drawer......
A good shot of her little sandals.......she took one off and handed it to one of the ladies at church today.....
She's a spicy girl who doesn't have time to cook so she just dives into the ingredients.....
Half a can of chili powder makes a girl thirsty.....(just a joke - No toddlers were harmed during this photoshoot)
She's got her mixing bowl and now she just needs the paprika......
"I can't find the cumin........"
With celery seede and nutmeg, you can take on the world (I've used up my "rack" of spice jokes")....
Putting her best foot forward and off to church....

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!!

Well, never a dull holiday around the Storm house.....Alison had a little goop in her eyes Friday afternoon which we thought was no big deal.....Saturday night, her right eye start to puff out a little Easter morning, when I went to get her out of crib, her eye was completely swelled shut!!.....She looked like Rocky Balboa after 15 rounds with Apollo, Ashley and Alison went to PromptCare this morning right when they opened while the rest of us went to church......Alison had a sinus infection; her nasal passage swelled up and closed off her tear duct.....the puffiness is from cellulitis and she's got conjuctivitis too from the she's got antibiotics, and some eye drops for a few days!!

Here, Grace wakes up to see if the Bunny showed up....
.....which he she's checking out her Snow White horse that goes with her Snow White Barbie.....
Grace shows off her new Buff's a hair band......
Ali got a Baby Buff......
First glimpse of the puffy.......
"I'm not sure what they put in those jelly beans, but pass me another......."
You can see her poor little eye in this one......
Grace modeling her Easter dress.....
After church, Grace put on her dress from Aunt Vicki and Uncle Ted......

Saturday, March 22, 2008

It was a Good Friday

The girls' Nana and Papa came to visit on Friday for Easter weekend.....and the brought some presents from them and from Aunt Vicki and Uncle Ted....

Grace starts to open her stash.......
Aunt Vicki decorated this sign for Grace's room (and I think U.T. drilled the holes!)
Grace was pretty excited about her new Ratatouille game for her Leapster.....she didn't speak the rest of the night to anyone who wasn't digital (does that make us analog?).....
Gracie with a pink dress on........
Nana and Papa brought a Veggie Tales movie about Jonah for the girls to share.....
Alison holds up her new Dora cup with a straw......time to start practicing with straws....
Purple is the new black........
The church had an Easter egg hunt at the school this was brrrrrrrr-ee cold out! (32 degrees!) Here, Nana helps Alison get her egg hunt on......
Grace, the old pro, hits the 4 and 5 year old field....
Grace is all smiles while she lays an egg......oh wait, she's picking eggs up.......I got confused....
Alison's headed's too cold......
Grace ran out of room in her bucket, so Papa started putting eggs in her hood.....
Time to crack some shells......
For each age range, they put a gold coin in a couple of the eggs...if you get a coin, you win a prize.....Alison found a gold coin in her eggs and won this pink Lamby......which Grace thinks Alison wants to share with her......Grace named her Flower Garden.....(Flo for short?)
Alison's pretty tuckered out from all this hunting.......

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Bang Your Head

Alison went out and got herself a haircut on Tuesday night.....she was tired of her bangs always falling into her Miss Angie did a little side bang cut and just trimmed the rest of's a few pictures.....more Easter posts as the weekend progresses.....

Alison poses for a quick pic during her snack.....

"Dad, please. Can't you see I'm eating here?!"......
One of Alison's favorite activities.....pushing the kitchen chairs around......."wood meets ceramic tile" is a really fun, loud her....

A couple of "just because" pictures regarding Grace.......We found this first drawing one morning when Grace got up.....maybe it's her first dress design??? Stella McCartney eat your heart out!
Grace got her 3rd report card the other day.......she did really well.....I think all of her needs improvements are gone......and most of her non "S's" moved up at least a little bit......she needs to work on her address and phone number!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

St. Patty's Day

Top o' the mornin' to ya..........a few pictures of the wee lasses from Monday's "holiday"....

Alison strikes a pose in her green t-shirt.....
Alison wasn't all that up for getting her picture taken that morning....her new almost-tooth was bothering her we think.....
Grace had a party at school on Monday and Ashley volunteered to help out....
Mrs. M. had the kids go on a search for a hidden leprechaun....they were after his Lucky Charms....
Then, they made Green Eggs and Ham.....
I will not eat them, Grace's dad I am.....
Lukas and Grace enjoy a frosted cookie......
A picture of Grace getting her picture taken.....

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Weekend Photos

Big weekend of milestones for Alison......she's been practicing walking backwards......we call it her "moonwalk".....she's trying to feed herself with a spoon.....and she started blowing kisses....She's also got some chores now -

As you can see, everybody chips in on laundry around here......
"Now I know I put the washing machine somewhere........"
" if I only could find the basket......"
"oh, here it is......time to start the next load......"
All dolled up in a new dress for church today.......
She wasn't happy about being taken away from the computer for photo time.....
I'm scared of the nursing home this one's going to pick out for us.......
Time for a sit down strike!
Sometimes, you need to stand up to be heard......
In a better mood, when Big Sis is around to help pose for the photo.....