Thursday, March 13, 2008

Alison's time to blog.......

A few recent photos of the tiny one......(everyone's tiny in this house, blog author excluded)

Alison all set for church on Sunday want to kill two birds with one stone?.....take one of these to church with'll get your "worship on" and burn calories at the same time from chasing her up and down the main aisle......
Happy and ready to dive into some green beans........
She's been making this new face whenever you load up the spoon.....
When bad photos happen to good people..........
Knocking back a cold one after dinner.......

1 comment:

Aunt Vicki said...

LOL when bad photos happen to good people... that was funny!

Her hair looks so much longer in that last photo... my goodness.

Where her hair is flipped up in back reminds me of my hair when I was her age.