Big weekend of milestones for Alison......she's been practicing walking backwards......we call it her "moonwalk".....she's trying to feed herself with a spoon.....and she started blowing kisses....She's also got some chores now -
As you can see,
everybody chips in on laundry around here......

"Now I know I put the washing machine somewhere........"

" if I only could find the basket......"

"oh, here it is......time to start the next load......"

All dolled up in a new dress for church today.......

She wasn't happy about being taken away from the computer for photo time.....

I'm scared of the nursing home this one's going to pick out for us.......

Time for a sit down strike!

Sometimes, you need to stand up to be heard......

In a better mood, when Big Sis is around to help pose for the photo.....

1 comment:
The nursing home comment made me chuckle. cute pictures, too
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