Alison had her tubes put in this morning and she did (and is doing) very well!! She woke up about 4 this morning, but she couldn't have anything to eat or drink; quite the challenge. So, we kept her upstairs most of the morning and distracted her with toys and any thing else that would work. (Grace spent the night at her sitter's house, and she did very well with her part to help out!) She did cry when we went downstairs and she saw the fridge. She was a little fussy when we first got to the office but not too bad, but once they got her in the gown and booties, she was MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.
This picture was from early on in the 20 minute can see she's not happy.....

She eventually wore herself out and calmed down though......

She even started to get a little sleepy right before they took her back......

One last little sad face before they took her back to anasthesia....

The first Post-OP picture with her milk cup......they warned us that a lot of kids woke up throwing a fit from the gas they use and that it might last an hour. But, Alison must have gotten that mixed up because she was just about perfect after she came out of the procedure. She was a little dazed (and thirsty), but she eventually perked right up and entertained the nursing staff with squeals, walking on her tip toes, and smiles.....

.....she also made friends with a little 9 month old boy who was getting one of his tubes back in.....she didn't want to leave him behind when it was time to go.....

We took her to McD for a "hot cake" since she was being so good.......

she didn't want to wait for me to cut it up.....

Finger-licking good.......yum!

Alison had some "mucusy puss" (sorry, hope you weren't eating!) behind each ear drum so she'll be on drops for 3 days, and an antibiotic for 10.......
She seems so happy so far and we haven't seen her smile like this and seem this happy in a long time......we can't wait to see what other changes might happen quickly over the next couple weeks with her mood, sleeping, and talking!
Yeah! What a trooper! What a relief that the tubes are FINALLY in and she can do/hear everything so much better. I was glad to see the smiley pictures of her afterwards... no I can stop worrying about her. :-)
It's good to see her smiling and hungry! Hopefully the mood continues. That was very nice of Nichole to keep Grace overnight.
Did Teddy get tubes,too? I noticed he is never far away.
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