We ran down to St. Louis Friday after Grace got out of school to celebrate Pop Pop's retirement which was at the end of last year....the girls had a lot of fun!
Grace and Alison enjoy their Friday morning coffee.....

Alison decided she wanted to do a little housework before we left......

She doesn't like coming home to a messy house......

Grammy and Alison headed into the fun center........

Grace rode in some go-carts....she's in the white car on the left.....

She was running a little loose in turn 3......

It's pretty brave to stand in front of somebody driving straight towards you....

The next Danica Patrick??? (Minus the layout in FHM, of course)

Ali on Pop Pop's shoulders......

The Godfather, Uncle Bud, shows Grace how to putt-putt......

Alison loves to climb on top of tables.....

She's all smiles now!

Pop Pop's Retirement cake........he's got to stick to soft foods now......just kidding!!

Alison liked the cake a lot.....

She's trying to get every last bit of frosting she can......

With all that icing on her face, she looks part Smurf.....

The girls (and Pooh Bear) were worn out on the way home........

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