Friday, December 14, 2007

One year??? Are you kidding me with this????

Only 11 shopping days left until Christmas, but that means only 8 days until Alison's first birthday. It has gone so fast!!! Ashley took her to get some one year photos this morning from Portrait Innovations. We were happy with them since yesterday she went to the doctor with a double ear infection. (She weighed in at 18 lbs, 12 oz). Luckily the medicine kicked in and we got our happy little girl back. Here are the un-edited "proofs" from the session!

She's got her Christmas dress on for the shoot.....

"Who could get mad at this smile? Right? Daddy, put your hand down!"
Cute things come in small packages....
The Portrait......she's grown so much in a year!

Hands down, she's the cutest (almost) one year old I know!
"I can't believe they got me to sit still this long!"


Aunt Vicki said...

BEAUTIFUL HOLIDAY BABY GIRL!!! My favorite is the one with the black background. Looks like she was in a very happy mood this morning, too!

Anonymous said...

Is this a copyright infringement? Just kidding...........Great Website.

Happy Holidays! The Pools