Alison shows off a bottle of whole milk......she's off formula now! (I know Sam's Club was sad to see such a good customer leave, but they knew this day would come)
Daddy steals a kiss from his birthday sharer....doesn't she look thrilled?!
Big sister Grace tries to hold Alison back from tearing into the presents....
Alison decides she'll open this one first......(the little mark on her face was from the tantrum she threw in the car; she scracthed herself. It's not all cream cheese and caramel corn with these kids.)
Alison and mommy share a hug on the first birthday!
Grace encourages Alison during her present opening....
Alison gets some help from Grace opening up a box....
The girls opening presents together......awwwwwwwwww........
Alison didn't do so hot with her 6 month cupcake, so we wondered how this would go.....
"This one smells deeeeeeee-licious!"
"Hey, the chocolate frosting's the best part and I dropped it!!
Daddy tries to get a bite of frosting, but Alison wants him to go get his own.....
Stuffing the last few bits in.....she made the entire thing was pretty quick......
I've had that smile and eyes-glazed-over look before.........
Happy Birthday Miss Alison!!!! That poor cupcake...
HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY ALISON! It looks like you had a GREAT Day.
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