Alison had thumb surgery this morning! A few months ago, her thumbs started locking every once in a while in a slightly bent could pop them back in place pretty easily, but we wanted to get it checked out by a specialist. We went to a pediatric orthopedist thru the Children's Hopsital of Illinois, and he diagnosed her with "trigger thumb" (and the name of something else that basically means she's double jointed).....he suggested a simple surgical procedure that widens the sheath that her thumb tendon slides through....the tendon is not supposed to "catch" anymore and her thumbs shouldn't lock up on her. We took a few pictures of the day....
This morning she couldn't have any food or milk (which is like denying her "morning coffee"), but she did pretty well without it.....

One more big cheezy before we hit the road.......

This is the play area while we waited for the doctors.....

Getting her vitals checked by one of the nurses.....

Fun yellow PJ's and a big box of blocks.....

She loved this's what they took her back to the doctors in....

"Where do you guys wanna go?"

The surgeon said she did really well during the whole procedure....she had to be put under, had a tube to help her airway, an IV in her leg, etc......the nurses kept telling Ashley how beautiful Alison was and that she looked like a little angel while she was she is about an hour after the procedure.....still pretty groggy....

She perked up quite a bit while I was out getting a Rx for her.....

She's got to keep the bandages on for 5 far so good.
1 comment:
She looks like she was quite the trooper. Glad to hear it went well and hope she recovers quickly!
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