Some of you have noticed that Grace wasn't in any of the Thanksgiving day photos that I posted earlier this week.....well, that's because there weren't any on our camera (cue bad parent music here)......Oops! Alison's were more 11-month birthday photos than Thanksgiving pictures, so really, it's probably coincidence that she got photos on Thursday....should I put the shovel down now? Excuses are lame?
Anyway, here are some photos from Aunt Vicki's camera of Grace when she spent Saturday with her. They went to lunch, the movies, and then hung out at AV's house. I actually ended up getting the flu Friday night during T'giving Weekend (which has now morphed into a sinus infection and a slight ear infection (what am I 5 years old? one "friend" asked me if I was getting tubes....which I didn't think was funny since his wife just got her tonsils out a few weeks ago.....Love ya, David and Cheri!)), and Vicki was kind enough to entertain Grace for the greater part of the day. She took these photos -
As part of Aunt Vicki boot camp, Grace starts out with a small hike on the treadmill
Grace and Savannah play Lady and the Tramp (which one is which?)
1 comment:
Your commentary cracks me up! The comment about the ear tubes made me LOL. And it's like we collaborated on this post... I was the photographer and you were my editor... haha!
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