Anyway, here are some photos from Aunt Vicki's camera of Grace when she spent Saturday with her. They went to lunch, the movies, and then hung out at AV's house. I actually ended up getting the flu Friday night during T'giving Weekend (which has now morphed into a sinus infection and a slight ear infection (what am I 5 years old? one "friend" asked me if I was getting tubes....which I didn't think was funny since his wife just got her tonsils out a few weeks ago.....Love ya, David and Cheri!)), and Vicki was kind enough to entertain Grace for the greater part of the day. She took these photos -
As part of Aunt Vicki boot camp, Grace starts out with a small hike on the treadmill
Grace and Savannah play Lady and the Tramp (which one is which?)
1 comment:
Your commentary cracks me up! The comment about the ear tubes made me LOL. And it's like we collaborated on this post... I was the photographer and you were my editor... haha!
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