Grace had her first day of pre-K this afternoon PLUS today is her fourth birthday!!! Two huge events in one day; she could barely contain herself. She started off the day by getting a rousing rendition of Happy Birthday from Mommy, Alison, and Daddy.....she popped and said, "I'm 4!"
She did awesome on her first day of school......she wasn't shy or nervous at all (at least outwardly).....they had a one on one orientation last week for each kid to see the classroom and get to know the teacher (Mrs. Mikesell) a little before the first day of school. Grace also got to take cupcakes into the first day of school for her first day of school.
When we picked her up this afternoon, Mrs. Mikesell said all the kids did really well all day.....she said it was one of the better first days that she'd had. Grace told us that she got to hand the cupcakes out to each kid (10 kids including her; 7 girls, 3 (poor) boys) for snack time.....they had PE out on the playground.....they sang songs and had story time....she also got to wear a special crown as the birthday girl. I think the 2nd day of school might be a little disappointing after all that. Here's a few pictures of the day......
Grace this morning before we headed off to Miss Nichole's and then to pre-K! She doesn't look excited at all!

A picture of Grace outside the school.....

Another picture of Grace waiting to go inside; she got to pick out a special book bag to take to school each day that she goes.....

We've moved inside the school at this point....this is a photo outside the school office....let's hope that's where she stays throughout school.....OUTside of the principal's office. The principal did go up to her to wish her a happy birthday today.....

Grace swinging her book bag around....

Mrs. Mikesell brought out markers and coloring sheets for the kids to color while they waited for all their classrooms....
Grace and Mrs. Mikesell pose together for a quick picture....Mrs. Mikesell has been super nice so far....she's really good with the kids.....

Grace wearing the birthday crown.....she got to take it home!

Grace opening her birthday presents.....she even was nice enough to pick ESPN to watch while she opened them.....

Alison was really interested in the tissue paper.....she loves napkins, paper towels, or any other paper.....straight in the mouth....

Grace was super excited to get a Barbie camera......

more Barbie camera......

Grace showing you (or maybe more like herself) her new Disney Princesses watch......

Where do I start?! She looks so grown up to me standing in front of her school in new white tennis shoes, book bag and hair in braids... where did the 4 years go?! {sniff, sniff} Her teacher looks super nice and Grace's princess crown is absolutely great! The expression on her face when she opened her gifts speaks volumes... the Barbie camera is a hit mommy & daddy! In the last picture I notice Miss Grace standing in front of a Visa card... priceless.
Happy Birthday Grace!!! xoxoxoxoxo
Happy Birthday Grace! What a big day for your family! Dayton started school today too, 7th grade! Just wait guys, it goes VERY fast! I bet Grace will be teachers pet before too long!
What a day!!! If you let Grace have a birthday everyday, she will be in a good mood every morning. Those are such nice pictures.
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