Friday, August 10, 2007

Vacation Bible School

Grace had her first ever week of Vacation Bible School at the church this week. She had a blast!!! The theme was Avalanche Ranch - A Wild Ride Through God's there was plenty of cowgirl (we're biased here in the Storm house) hats, buffalo chips, and ridin' on the range. Here's a clip of Grace singing with the rest of the kids at the closing chapel service....the theme's called Wild Ride....

PS - The boy that she's knocking around is one of the school principal's son.....but I think the video clearly shows he started it.....that's our story and we're sticking to it! Especially when we get pulled in the office for her attitude in third grade.


Aunt Vicki said...

What a powerful singer she is!
I hardly understood a word, but she was having a blast getting those words out! And I'm calling the pushing and the singing "Multi-Tasking".

Nana said...

That is such good video, and believe it or not, I did catch a lot of the words. (And Daddy laughing.)