Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Eight (Months and Havin' a) Ball

The big write up is at the bottom this time -

Alison sitting in daddy's chair....not sure if she's ready for her close up.....
That's a little more like it.....who resists these eyes?
In case you can't tell, Alison is smiling in this picture with Sis....

All she needs is a trumpet and she's good to go......
I think somebody told her those teeth will eventually come in.....
Grace flying solo in this picture.....
Mommy and Little Red Skelton... (that jokes for Papa)
Mommy and Ali with their matching shirts.......

When you are a little kid, and it's 30 days until your birthday or Christmas (which was pretty much the same for me with the Dec 22nd birthday - I celebrated a Christian Hannukah), time draaaaaaaaaaaaags even with the help of those advent chains or calendars. Anyway, when you are the parent of two kids, 30 days is a blink of an's 30 Eggos, 60 Disney Princess Gummie vitamins, and 87 time outs for Grace; and it's 150 bottles of forumula, 60 helpings of baby fruit, 30 helpings of baby veggies, and 2 or 3 milestones for Alison.

Alison's officially 8 months old and she'd doing really well.....she can pull herself up on to the coffee table now.....she's crawling a little bit, although the legs move faster than the arms, and best of all, she can say "da da"! Not that she means me because she calls the couch "da da" too. Hope you enjoy the pictures of the Storm girls!

1 comment:

Aunt Vicki said...

Look at those blue eyes and that thick dark hair!! You got some good smiles out of her tonight. Cutie Patootie!