Alison started a new 2-year old program at school last week called, "Parents and Two's." It meets once a week on Tuesday mornings, and they get a chance to interact with other kids, work on motor skills, have a snack, and listen to a bible story. Alison had a lot of fun, but she did have a couple minor tantrums. (She didn't want to wait until "school started" to go in, she didn't want to wear a smock while painting). She's looking forward to going back next week.
On the way to school, in her new "big girl" car seat....with a "big girl bee-belt" as she calls it.

Waiting in the lobby for school to start.....

......and throwing the tantrum when finding out school won't start for another few minutes.

Painting a leaf several different colors....

Alison with her "parent" to qualify for the "Parents and Two" portion of the program...

Alison and the rest of her class.....there's only 4 of them and one kid was sick.

A couple of random's Grace and Alison have a sleepover Friday night.

Grace and her friend Samara before passing out flyers to Trunk or Treat at our church.

Our friends the Williams' had an Oktoberfest party yesterday.....I thought this photo was going to be more zoomed in, that's why I'm hunching over like I have severe back pain. Just focus on the three pretty girls to my right.
1 comment:
A. It's so weird to see Ali in a classroom!
B. The tantrum one is funny.
C. Love the look on her face while she's painting. You can tell she's so happy to be in school and get to do these things.
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