Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Cuz They Like New Clothes

The girls have gotten new outfits and PJ's recently, and it seems every time they put something new on they want a picture taken!

Alison in her "Daddy's Little Girl" jammies.
Not really new clothes but she asked to have her picture taken.....

Alison in a new dress we bought on a recent trip to Chicago!

Grace posing in a new shirt that she got for her B-Day.....
We were bored the other day so we started a Cirque de So Lame club.....

.....I'm trying to mask the pain in this one.....
Grace in her new Little Miss Sunshine shirt from Aunt Lucy, Uncle Bud, and the boys!

1 comment:

Aunt Vicki said...

The girls are naturals at the Cirque! Good form, good form.