Sunday, July 19, 2009

Alison's silly and The Storm's get a new fish

Alison was really in the mood to get her picture taken a lot we tried to oblige her as best we could......

She's posing with the new toy box that Papa made for her......I think she could hide Grace in here without us knowing it.
Making a fashion statement with a nightgown, PJ pants, and an elf hat (complete with a jingle bell at the top)
Alison thought she was playing Wii tennis with Grace and me.......
Some sad news to report.....Saturday morning, we woke up and Dorothy the fish didn't.....I had been under the weather last week, and I'm usually the one that's feeding him. I think we forgot to feed Dorothy last week......big oops! Grace took the news ok at first, but after speaking at the memorial service, she cried. Poor thing! Anyway, we went to get a new fish at the pet store....another Beta, named Zoe Fishy Storm.....
The fish jumped from the container when I was trying to get it in the bowl....hopefully it survives the trauma of me getting it back in the bowl by it's back fin....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok, the Memorial Service story cracked me up. Kinda makes you wonder how fast she'll replace you if you don't wake up one day! :)

The girls are getting so big!

Happy 21st Ashley... ;)

Your FRIEND from Champaign