Is it just me or does it feel like I haven't posted anything since last month? (New TV shows + Bible Study starting back up + Grace in pre-K + busy at work = less posts for a couple weeks)
Anyway, we headed down to St. Louis this weekend to do the girls' annual trip to the local orchard near the grandparents. This was Alison's first trip "in person". The running joke is no matter what weekend we pick to go to the pumpkin farm, it ends up being in the upper 80's/low 90's when we go. Not bad for a summer day, but it's weird for a "fall" event. Didn't stop me from enjoying a danish, fudge, and kettle corn while we were there!
Here's a few photos from the day (and a couple from this afternoon) -
Alison was trying to rest up right until the last minute to have energy for the orchard

Grace and Grammy check out the mums, pumpkins, and other "stuff"

Grace poses by one of the friendly scarecrows in the outdoor garden center

Grace liked this one's hat

Alison was still sleeping, but here's a family photo minus one

Grace poses by the giant pumpkins

Guess who woke up? Ali poses as a ghost.....

Alison the Friendly (and Smiley) Ghost

Alison wasn't sure what to think of hanging out in the grass

And I don't think she appreciated being snickered at.....

The devil made her do it........

Ashley, Alison, and Pocahontas hanging out at the Putt Putt course

Do these shorts make my pumpkin look big?

Grace ready for take off on one of the little rides

In flight photos.....

Grace climbing up the rope in one of the inflatables

They had a swing ride too....this one actually moved at a pretty good clip

Mommy and Alison on a little train ride.....

Alison and her Pop Pop after church this morning.....

Alison's happy to hang out with her Grammy.....